Monday, 27 August 2012

Three days in Denmark

We arrived at Stansted airport on Thursday afternoon excited, tired and happy to be on our way with just five(!) bags after all the packing and organising. We were thrilled to discover that our luggage weighed a total of 39.7kg, leaving us 300g to spare. Souvenir shopping here we come!

Eleanor and Seko
This is our fourth visit to Denmark to see Alan and Jeanne, but our first to Silkeborg. They have a lovely new home, complete with Seko, their very friendly dog, a wild (currently being tamed) kitten called Stewie and sports bar (Chelsea unfortunately) in the garden. We were treated to their usual amazing hospitality. 
Story time with Alan

Silkeborg is a great city; easy to walk around, close to the mountains and surrounded by forests and lakes. Alan and Jeanne live just off a street filled with little local shops, bars and restaurants. We didn't sample the night life, but from what little we could hear from their quiet home it is a good spot to go out. 

Dancing to jazz at the market
We spent our first couple of days getting up late (well, as late as Eleanor and Leo allow!) and generally taking it easy. Highlights included walking the around a nearby lake during which we were soaked at about the half way point in a sudden and intense downpour; seeing the local fruit and vege market and dancing to a visiting jazz band; walking down from the highest point in Denmark to a lake then cruising back to Silkeborg as the sun set; and sausages from the world's best hotdog stand. Alan and Jeanne's BBQing and lasagne-making skills are also well worth a mention along with the amazing beer and wine cellar we had fun assisting to deplete. 

If you ask Eleanor, the clear favourites are playing with Alan, Jeanne, Seko and Stewie as well as our visit to the original Legoland in Billund; the home of Lego. Legoland was a fantastic place for the whole family, and Alan, to spend a sunny Sunday afternoon. We enjoyed boat, car, train and plane rides in the park, as well as a 4D film with real wind, which transfixed Eleanor and Leo. I was a little surprised at how much they enjoyed the rides, including a canoe trip with a big drop and huge splash at the end. Even Adrian and I were a touch shakey afterwards!

A great big thank you to Alan and Jeanne for hosting the four of us; no easy task! We wish you good health and are looking forward to seeing you in Wellington before too long. 

Today is a Big Travel Day... Stansted to Cardigan in Wales for a few days with Beckett family friends the Kendricks. 

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